Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Study To Show Yourself Approved

Sometimes as Christians we can believe wholeheartedly what we have learned and what we have been taught, and we should. But when something comes up and challenges our belief system we don't even take the time to look and see what truth is being presented. What Kind of Christian are we then, if we do not study? We know that GODs word does not change and his Ways are greater than ours. We know that our knowledge is limited to our measure of faith but we seem to forget that our understanding of GOD will and must change; even when we think it is the most basic fundamental truths. GOD is still bigger than our knowledge of him! It is amazing to me as a Christian that with so many things we have to believe in by faith, that when the answers come beyond faith and show themselves, we struggle with what is true.

When the truth is found outside of our Western world programming, we must not be so quick to reject facts that are presented from other cultures, history or belief systems. If we know History then we can look into periods such as the Christian Dark Age time period; compare that point in time with other histories and many things will fall into our laps.

If you go back even further and look into biblical history it is possible to find the records of many bible characters. However, the names will often be different because. We must remember that English was not their native tongue nor was it even a language that had even been created yet. Go figure! Now, for anyone that has read this far understand this...you will not find the grave of Joseph but you can find his grave under his real name. The same goes for many of the bible characters. Do I believe they are real? Well, of course I do. I am just saying you will not find many by an English name.

Study to show yourself approved...


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 

e-Mail Contact Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Choose Life or Choose Death

It has been some time since I have spoken to you all, Gods creation, by way of this platform. I take this few minutes to say...Your life is as important as the breath you breathe. It is true that GOD gave you that Holy breathe and the Creator is the ONE that can take it away but as long as you are breathing the creators Holy breathe, it is up to you to make a Life of it.

It is so important that we human beings connect and share if we are to work toward the same goal--peace, prosperity, health, wealth and righteousness.

Can I say that the Most High is in REST from creating your Holy breath... Spirit is not going to stop until you do something to stop it or until the Holy ONE inhales and receives back the Holy breathe called Life which has been given to you.

So take heed to understand that this Life and breath which you live is in your hands until your breathe is reclaimed or returned to BREATHE (Holy Breathe, Holy Spirit...Elohim). Until this happens don't think that the IAM has anything to do with "Your Life" except to give you the choice... to choose life or death.

Know IAM That IAM gives you Life, It has been some time since I have spoken to you all, Gods creation, by way of this platform. I take this honor to say...Your life is as important as the breath you breathe. It is true that G-D gave you that Holy breath and the Creator is the ONE that can take it away, with your thoughts and intents of denial and rejection. But as long as you are breathing the Creators Holy breath, it is up to you to make an abundant Life of it.

I can say that the Most High is in REST from creating your Holy breath... Spirit is not going to stop until you do something to stop it or until the Holy ONE inhales and receives back the Holy breath called Life which has been given to you.

So take heed to understand that this Life and breath which you live is in your hands until your breath is reclaimed or returned to BREATH (Holy Breath of Life, the Holy Spirit...Elohim). Until then, don't think that the IAM has anything to do with "Your Life" except to give you choice; the choice to choose life or death.

Know IAM That IAM gives you Life, That life more abundant life  so that you may live the Zoe life (God Kind of Life).  The life that you live is not yours but it is by the power of the Holy breath that you live, move and are a human being to fulfill your purpose for coming to earth.

Now what you do with ZOE is yours and only yours. So, what are you doing with it? The decision to give life is done! Your decision to live life is up to you. Choose thy this day existence or Zoe! Do this before the appointment, through way of death, your breath is reclaimed.

Shalom that life more abundant, so that you may live....and the Zoe (Life...God Kind of Life) that you live is not yours but by the power of the Holy breathe you live, move and are a human being. Now what you do with ZOE is yours and only yours to live. So what are you doing with it? The decision to give life is done... your decision to live life is up to you... Choose thy this day life or Zoe!... Do this before the appointment ,through way of death, your breathe is reclaimed....


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmations 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Saturday, May 13, 2017


Prophetic Prose

The sun is out illumining big and bright
The dark clouds will soon take its place into the  night
here I sit in a room alone…

My mind is filled with thoughts of this and that
trying to figure out the details of the juncture  IAM at

My thoughts were together once focused 
And on key
Now I wonder why the IAM of mind
Seems to have left me

Relationships of the past crept up 
That got me stuck in a rut
Or is it just that I can’t break free 
From the feelings in my gut

I know I will be in a different place and 
The feelings will subside
If I only just look up and embrace the ONE 
I know is inside

When faith of a man has be destroyed 
Finding it hard to trust his heart   
It is his own thoughts that create the very place 
He wishes to depart

The task at hand is to find thyself 
Reach the Christ within  
Reconnecting with the anointed man 
Is where one finds life again

Being alone you just might find 
Will be your greatest friend
Sit back let the silence come through 
That still small voice within
This is where you will find the creator
 IAM once again

I can remember when things were clear 
I was on top of the game
The things I thought dreamt talked about 
Was all one and the same

As I think looking back and reminisce 
I realize that IAM came from within
Through the time I spent alone in silent bliss

Being alone is not as bad as one may think
Focus and bring forth your dreams passions thoughts from within
Only then does being ALL ONE 
Become your greatest feat again

The sun is setting as the day recedes
The eve echoing the beauty of her wisdom sound
When your life and spirit becomes 
The Christ within once again have found

ALL ONE comes from being alone 
You find out who you are to become
Get in that secret place so that you may find Thyself ALL ONE…


Being alone is the blessing in disguise. Know Thy Self, Embrace the ONE “IAM” creator of ALL. Walk in this Truth: All Life Long Opportunity Needs Energy


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.