Sunday, September 10, 2017

SON's of The SUN

I am finally getting a release from the Most High...

The plans are being gathered and the Prophets; the Enlightened One's are being released, favor has come and through the hands of humankind shall prosperity be increased.

For the Word of the Lord has become clear, if you have ears to hear, then let them hear! For the Lord has set before you (us) a task, are you prepared to be the one without a mask or hidden agenda?

The season has come that IAM have set my hand upon Ghana and sent forth my Son's (Daughters) , you are they, are you prepared?

A Company of Prophets; those Enlightened One's have come to prepare the Way. Can you hear? Can you receive what IAM says?

The time to sow is at head, for G-D has released Light within the land.

Prepare yourselves to hear the prophetic and divine plans, that will set the hand of  prosperity of G-D in the Land...

Bring your thoughts and declare IAM, the release of the Most High's plan is I AM that IAM...

As Son's of the Sun cast your Light across the land, for you are the ones that are the image of IAM, so know your places, your measure, know where you stand and send out your words for you may be the only I AM that many will see.

The time for the government of the Most High to stand is now! For we are the enforcers of the Kingdom and Promise of the land...

To those who have an ear let him hear...

All things are created through the words of our conversation, that which is and is to come has now come to this nation!

As a Prophet I declare... that the words of your lips and thoughts of your mind are released and they shall complete the actions they are sent out to do... hear and believe the Prophet and the Kingdom you will gain... be deaf  to these words and your circumstances will remain the same!

I AM calling deep to the Spirit within... come forth show thy Self and let the Kingdom process begin.

This most come through many not just one, but the many shall be reduced to the ones who are set  and sent with a piece of the Plan... and all the pieces together will become the work of  the  Hands of the Most High.

If you hear this call and you know you are being upheld within Divine Hand, step out and know by the words of a Prophet you are chosen to become that hand.

Hotep Children of light
Sons of the Sun



Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmation 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Friday, July 7, 2017


It is so important that we connect and share if we are to work toward the same goal.

We should become one in mind to become one in purpose. We all play an important part in the Whole.  It is in bringing the parts together that create that of would not manifest without each other. 

Each of us are complete within ourselves.  I, within myself.  But together, we form something that is and can only come to completion as we work together. 

It is not my vision or your vision but that which exists through a United vision of each part; functioning as one, as a part of one another that create something from all the parts into something.

It's like the chromosomes within the DNA of the mother and the father,  creating something more than themselves; but neither are the whole of any part. This is Common Unity!  
All that you can see will be created in what Iam, and visa versa. The greatest of all is that each divine idea and vision is  supported by the other.

If that scares you or you want to keep something for yourself, you have not quite come to the understanding of Common Unity.

It is in Common Unity were I benefit from you and you benefit from me. We all benefit from that which we have joined in unity to create.  

We must become  Order within a corrupt government System in order to establish this common unity of those who govern for themselves . We then become Self, Lord and Master governed by the 5 pillars: Truth, Love Peace, Freedom and Justice.

One becomes free to continue to do whatever they want and  however they want to do it with integrity.  But when it comes to our common goal of unity, each of us must do a specific thing for the good of Common Unity. This is what brings success and each will increase accordingly.


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmation 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Study To Show Yourself Approved

Sometimes as Christians we can believe wholeheartedly what we have learned and what we have been taught, and we should. But when something comes up and challenges our belief system we don't even take the time to look and see what truth is being presented. What Kind of Christian are we then, if we do not study? We know that GODs word does not change and his Ways are greater than ours. We know that our knowledge is limited to our measure of faith but we seem to forget that our understanding of GOD will and must change; even when we think it is the most basic fundamental truths. GOD is still bigger than our knowledge of him! It is amazing to me as a Christian that with so many things we have to believe in by faith, that when the answers come beyond faith and show themselves, we struggle with what is true.

When the truth is found outside of our Western world programming, we must not be so quick to reject facts that are presented from other cultures, history or belief systems. If we know History then we can look into periods such as the Christian Dark Age time period; compare that point in time with other histories and many things will fall into our laps.

If you go back even further and look into biblical history it is possible to find the records of many bible characters. However, the names will often be different because. We must remember that English was not their native tongue nor was it even a language that had even been created yet. Go figure! Now, for anyone that has read this far understand will not find the grave of Joseph but you can find his grave under his real name. The same goes for many of the bible characters. Do I believe they are real? Well, of course I do. I am just saying you will not find many by an English name.

Study to show yourself approved...


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 

e-Mail Contact Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Choose Life or Choose Death

It has been some time since I have spoken to you all, Gods creation, by way of this platform. I take this few minutes to say...Your life is as important as the breath you breathe. It is true that GOD gave you that Holy breathe and the Creator is the ONE that can take it away but as long as you are breathing the creators Holy breathe, it is up to you to make a Life of it.

It is so important that we human beings connect and share if we are to work toward the same goal--peace, prosperity, health, wealth and righteousness.

Can I say that the Most High is in REST from creating your Holy breath... Spirit is not going to stop until you do something to stop it or until the Holy ONE inhales and receives back the Holy breathe called Life which has been given to you.

So take heed to understand that this Life and breath which you live is in your hands until your breathe is reclaimed or returned to BREATHE (Holy Breathe, Holy Spirit...Elohim). Until this happens don't think that the IAM has anything to do with "Your Life" except to give you the choice... to choose life or death.

Know IAM That IAM gives you Life, It has been some time since I have spoken to you all, Gods creation, by way of this platform. I take this honor to say...Your life is as important as the breath you breathe. It is true that G-D gave you that Holy breath and the Creator is the ONE that can take it away, with your thoughts and intents of denial and rejection. But as long as you are breathing the Creators Holy breath, it is up to you to make an abundant Life of it.

I can say that the Most High is in REST from creating your Holy breath... Spirit is not going to stop until you do something to stop it or until the Holy ONE inhales and receives back the Holy breath called Life which has been given to you.

So take heed to understand that this Life and breath which you live is in your hands until your breath is reclaimed or returned to BREATH (Holy Breath of Life, the Holy Spirit...Elohim). Until then, don't think that the IAM has anything to do with "Your Life" except to give you choice; the choice to choose life or death.

Know IAM That IAM gives you Life, That life more abundant life  so that you may live the Zoe life (God Kind of Life).  The life that you live is not yours but it is by the power of the Holy breath that you live, move and are a human being to fulfill your purpose for coming to earth.

Now what you do with ZOE is yours and only yours. So, what are you doing with it? The decision to give life is done! Your decision to live life is up to you. Choose thy this day existence or Zoe! Do this before the appointment, through way of death, your breath is reclaimed.

Shalom that life more abundant, so that you may live....and the Zoe (Life...God Kind of Life) that you live is not yours but by the power of the Holy breathe you live, move and are a human being. Now what you do with ZOE is yours and only yours to live. So what are you doing with it? The decision to give life is done... your decision to live life is up to you... Choose thy this day life or Zoe!... Do this before the appointment ,through way of death, your breathe is reclaimed....


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmations 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Saturday, May 13, 2017


Prophetic Prose

The sun is out illumining big and bright
The dark clouds will soon take its place into the  night
here I sit in a room alone…

My mind is filled with thoughts of this and that
trying to figure out the details of the juncture  IAM at

My thoughts were together once focused 
And on key
Now I wonder why the IAM of mind
Seems to have left me

Relationships of the past crept up 
That got me stuck in a rut
Or is it just that I can’t break free 
From the feelings in my gut

I know I will be in a different place and 
The feelings will subside
If I only just look up and embrace the ONE 
I know is inside

When faith of a man has be destroyed 
Finding it hard to trust his heart   
It is his own thoughts that create the very place 
He wishes to depart

The task at hand is to find thyself 
Reach the Christ within  
Reconnecting with the anointed man 
Is where one finds life again

Being alone you just might find 
Will be your greatest friend
Sit back let the silence come through 
That still small voice within
This is where you will find the creator
 IAM once again

I can remember when things were clear 
I was on top of the game
The things I thought dreamt talked about 
Was all one and the same

As I think looking back and reminisce 
I realize that IAM came from within
Through the time I spent alone in silent bliss

Being alone is not as bad as one may think
Focus and bring forth your dreams passions thoughts from within
Only then does being ALL ONE 
Become your greatest feat again

The sun is setting as the day recedes
The eve echoing the beauty of her wisdom sound
When your life and spirit becomes 
The Christ within once again have found

ALL ONE comes from being alone 
You find out who you are to become
Get in that secret place so that you may find Thyself ALL ONE…


Being alone is the blessing in disguise. Know Thy Self, Embrace the ONE “IAM” creator of ALL. Walk in this Truth: All Life Long Opportunity Needs Energy


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Check Your Die Yet

One wrong thought can kill your entire dream and aspirations…

Last night while I was up trying to recover from jetlag, the Lord began to speak to me concerning the real challenge so many people have when it comes to accessing their dreams, visions, desires to accomplish greatness and abundance. 

So many simply don’t believe it is for them to achieve, so many don’t believe that it is for them to receive, so many can’t see past there selfishness to allow GOD's blessing to increase them so they can be a blessing. 

You must come to understand that being blessed is for the purpose of being a blessing! Whatever mental issues you have that is keeping you away from your dreams, visions and the blessings at hand…renew your understanding and embrace the need for you to be blessed, which is for you to be a blessing. Break your concepts that are keeping you from being blessed and allowing you to become a blessing with what you have in hand.

"You don’t get what you want in life. You only get what you are!"

There are many people who want to change their lives and change their circumstances; however, they don’t want to do the work to change themselves! You only get what you are!

The Scripture declares, "Be ye not conformed to this world, be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind". (Romans 12:2) 

Most people will continue to live a life of poverty lacking the desire to reach their goals, vision, and dreams, not because they don’t have talents or the skills or ability, but simply because they believe they will not, could not or should not achieve greatness in their life.

Most people are suffering from mental malnutrition and that’s because they can’t rise any higher than their "die-yet" which are the host of thoughts they have yet to abandon which constantly kills their mental drive to invest the time, energy and faith to restructure their lives. These people continue to manifest poverty, dead dreams and vision in their lives although they have the capability of reaching their full potential and greatness.


You have far more potential than you know! Due to the social conditioning, circumstances and events in our lives, many of us die ignorant to our true potential. 

Where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable…




The life of your dreams is in the livelihood of your thinking!

Money, health and favor doesn’t really change you, these things only make you more of what you already are! If you are ‘cheap’, it simply amplifies that. In order to achieve a larger vision/version of yourself, you must move beyond your normal "die-yet" which are your circumstances, mental conditioning and the things that have happened to you and sometimes sad to say your religious beliefs!

• Check your "die-yet" of fear and destroy it now!

• Check your "die-yet" of doubt and leave it for good!

• Check your "die-yet" of limitation and bury it once and for all!

"You don’t get what you want in life. You only get what you are!"

Keep up a good Die-yet!


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmations 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Monday, February 27, 2017


In life today, what do we really have? What is it that is our most prize possessions?

In pondering these questions there really is no right or wrong answer. It comes down to the priorities one set for their own life.

One may say that the joy of having a loving family and a great marriage is their greatest prize possession. Another may say the ability to travel the world at will is their greatest possession. Another knowing that their children are ok and there is food on the table. Still another may say being saved and the promise of an afterlife or even the one that says I’m having fun just living my life.

All these statements are true and correct because they are what each believes. Not one is greater because it is what they believe. Another great truth is that what you choose to believe governs your mind, life, living and your very existence.

I am talking today to those that believe in whatever it is that you believe in Life. Bottom line Your Life…it's Your Choice! The very life you have a right to now is your choice! We all have the life we believed in! There is nothing in our life today that we did not have a choice in. Even the apparent bad or evil things in our life still left us with a choice. Whether to carry it for the rest of our life or whether to let it go and be free from the effect it could have on us; the choice is yours.

In no way am I suggesting that all things in life was because of a decision that you made. I am saying through it all, there was a choice you had to make and in doing so, you now live by the effects  and results of that choice.

I can hear someone saying I did not have the choice to be born… Really? Out of the thousands of sperm you made it your choice and mission I may add to arrive first.

You have free will and free choice. As long as you have Life it is your choice of how to live it. I know I just lost half the readers with that statement. So for those that kept reading this is about helping us to understand how are choices make all the difference.

The person that you are with right now, you are with is because of your choice…your choice to give them a chance to be the one you are looking for in life…your choice to invest your time, resources and heart to build something to believe in. It was your choice to let someone you loved walk away saying to yourself there will be another. It is your choice to work at the job you are working; to be paid what you are being paid. Don’t sit and complain that you don’t make enough, it is your choice to work for what you are getting paid. It’s your choice if you don’t have a job or if you are on state assistance.

Why do I say these things? Everything in life comes by choice… to have or not to have… to do or not to do… to be or not to be… you have the right to choose whatever you want.

So think about what you want or what you need to change and make the choice to do whatever it takes to make it all happen… or not. The choice is yours! Choose the life you wish to live.


LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmations 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017


I woke up Sunday morning (Jan 15) and after meditation this rested in my spirit so I wanted to share:

As we have entered in to the first half of the first month of the year, you have either moved into this year the same way as any other year or you have been bombarded in your spirit about the changes that are in the air. 

If you are at all spiritually aware you can feel the season changing, you may not know what is changing but you feel something is stirring. This is a good place to be! Now apply any faith that you have or the “substance” that you feel (hope), that feeling you feel about something happening but you don’t know what; that wanting to knowing or understand what you feel which is the substance of your hope… and the evidence of it all is what you now seek. Put your faith into action! If you missed it re-read “Faith does not come by hearing alone”. 

In this place you must reach out to that unknown and unseen Spirit force. It is not in a name that you are reaching out to, it is that creation force that is all in all, the “IAM that IAM”, that you are reaching out to. The most important thing here is that you use that “feeling” on the inside of your spirit or ‘knower’ that tells you there is change in the air and allow it to draw you to “knowing”, which becomes your evidence of what you could not see, what you did not know and the proof which comes to your mental state or understanding. If you can embrace this instruction and act, follow through with the action of it…Welcome to Consciousness! If you have received Christ and understand His New Creation then Welcome to Christ Consciousness! 

Faith applied releases the hand of the creator to interject and download an awareness of the Present of the “PRESENNCE” of the unseen or the IAM that IAM into Time which is NOW! If you are following me and can keep up, you are Present! From this point I am only speaking to those that CAN hear me NOW! The rest can take what you can but if you act in faith on the words of a Prophet you can Become. IAM that, IAM…IAM that which I become!

Now for those who are with me receive these words of ZOE (God kind of life). It is important that you join those that are hearing, those that are present and those that are instructing you in “The WAY” by which it is crucial that you begin to walk in. You have heard many things said about the time that we are in (Bible Prophecy), understand that time is now! You must become PRESENT or you will not understand where you are IN TIME. 

The Alpha and Omega has appointed TIME, for everything and every season and becomes active at set times according to the WORD sent to create a season; these seasons have been set before time began. Instructions of these Seasons will come first by the Enlightened Ones--Prophets and the structure then put into place by the Apostles. To some of you these functions are not clear, however if you believe the words of a Prophet this will be unveiled i.e. revealed to you as you become PRESENT. By the “Spirit of Prophecy” you are receiving the Testimony of Christ. You are being built up for this TIME through understanding what “IS”; and the season or function of this TIME that we are in. This is the “building of the body” taking place! For time is and never was without man, but MAN is, that which is, before time formed it to be so. There was never time when there was not a man, Time never was when man was not. This is the Spirit-man whereas I speak and it is, was, and is now becoming the Body of Christ’--The consciousness of a Christ which is the New Creation of Being.

No finite mind can comprehend things infinite. All finite things are subject unto change. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not. "The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change.  Yea, from the finite point of view,  the time will come when they will be no more. "But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of IAM." Creative Fate gave to man, to spirit-man, a soul that he might function on the plane of soul; gave him a body of the flesh that he might function on the plane of things made manifest. Why did creative Fate give to spirit-man a soul that they might function on the plane of soul? Why did creative Fate give to soul a body of the flesh that he might function on the plane of things that are made manifest?--777 

This text is familiar to some, to them I say forgive my presentation of it on this platform no disrespect intended. There is no shame I’m only using words for the mind of those I am demonstrating to, if I am in your opinion wrong for doing so, check the context and see that it is correct but still contact me as to the way of my actions. 

The code 777, I did only to identify and conceal, but to you, I inform you that this is the complete circle7 on all plans and that truth must be revealed. Those of 777, this  message is also for you in the understanding which in you walk. So  you come with me as well, gaze into what is called truth and refer to your text to see that we indeed are speaking the same language. Understand this platform is for gathering, that we may be able to proclaim, Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice…

Hear, now, oh everything that is, or was, or evermore will be, for Wisdom speaks from out of the highest plane of spirit life:

"Man is a thought of IAM; all thoughts of IAM are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time, begin and end.

The thoughts of IAM are the everlasting of the past unto the never ending days to come. And so is man, the spirit-man.

But man like every other thought of IAM, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of IAM, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant. "So spirit-man, as seed of IAM held deep within himself the attributes of every part of God--777".

As you can see, as you read each line, that which is read adds a deeper level if you are Present to see it. This is why you will need to be Present among those that are walking in the NOW with knowledge of the appointed TIME of the Alpha and Omega.

I am attempting to present to you “The Way” of the Lord in the midst of the unbeliever, new born, toddles and adolescent of all that are on this platform. It is my greatest desire to teach you that can HEAR me! The way of ZOE, however, is only possible when we come and break “The Bread” together and remember it with one another. This platform can only be used for that if we assemble where the instructions of the IAM can be given without restraint, where Iron can sharpen Iron and the higher level of TRUTH can be demonstrated for those who enjoy ‘meat’. So I call out to those that can hear me, you must reach out to me to receive instructions on how this can happen if it is something you want to do. For the Body of Christ has been broken for us and NOW is the time to remember it. Hear me! It is time to Re-member Christ the body!”
The opposite of remember is not merely to forget – that is the opposite of “to Recall” – the opposite of remember is to “Dismember.” 

In “The WAY”, remembering is more powerful than mere recalling; in the Scriptures remembering always refers to a powerful action and healing wholeness (re-membering); Body, Soul, Spirit and Christ. If I could be so bold to say it this WAY; to remember Zoe (God kind of Life), is to remember the Body, Soul, Spirit as a Christ.

Here are a few examples of God remembering:

• Then God remembered Rachel … and opened her womb. (Gen. 30:22).

• And Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her … and in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son. (1 Samuel 1:19-20)

• I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel … and I have remembered my covenant … and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery. (Ex. 6:5-6)

• When Jesus instructed the disciples on celebration of the Lord’s Supper, he said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

Remembering what God has done for us brings healing and power; it re-members us—it reunites us—with God, with each other, and with who God has made us to be…the New Creation…Christ in us the hope of Glory.

We don’t primarily need external behavioral change. We don’t primarily need new resolutions. We need an inner power and joy that suffuse our lives with Hope, Love and ZOE i.e. Life…God-kind…the New creation; In-Christ. We need to re-member.
G. K. Chesterton wrote, “We are all under the same mental calamity…We have all forgotten who we really are.” 

Let us re-member Christ within! Let us assemble to re-member the body of Christ that we may be PRESENT to the season in TIME that we are now in!Selah! Shalom! 

May the MOST HIGH become IAM that IAM within.



LOVE  *  TRUTH  *  PEACE            FREEDOM  *   JUSTICE

Apostle Darrell Love Kinsey 
aka: Prince Darrell Love 'Kwame' Enoch  El Bey 
e-Mail Contact 

Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmations 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 
Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.