Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life?  Except there be increase? 

From the beginning the instructions were to increase and replenished...and fill it up again. The 'missing  the Mark' was to yearn to possess or have something. Why is this a great sin?

Because it all belongs to the Creator and was given to you! 

This is also why it is  more blessed to give than to receive. The hearts of man seeks wealth rather than to do good and  increase Life. The lower self seeks it's gself at the expense of others but the higher self seeks the wholeness within the whole. That is to say, the increase of the Masses and the replenishment for all.  

This knowledge should  set you free from the snare of that which besets the hearts of man and release you to increase for the purpose of a/the whole family of the hu-man race and mankind.  

So study to increase and work to replenish so that your brothers and sisters may come to know and achievement the heart of  "The Creator" of all seen and desired. 

Why is it missing the Mark to yearn after something? Because as a child we yearned for things because we did not understand that we were and could create that which we desired. Our thoughts and desires we're simply to be created and not longed for. The substance of our hope, or our dreams fulfilled were to become the evidence of our life. So Love and not hate and our hearts will carry out the purpose of creation... "increase" from our lower to higher, replenish man to it's higher and subdue; all to this wholeness in life, through the forces of LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH, FREEDOM and JUSTICE...

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Posted by Apostle Rubie James

Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support the e-book of comfirmation 101Things I AM FREE! 101 Things I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. 

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books. A percentage of revenue from sells goes to support Missions.